Tuesday, March 30, 2010


2.2 miles, pouring rain, 25:20 min, average heart-rate 162, 272 cal burned. Started with a pulse of 92. Did you know that Deena Kastor's pulse is 35? Sounds like she might be always asleep if not running. That is probably why she is such a good runner... So, should I start sleeping 20 hours per day and spend the rest on running, cross-training, eating... hmm, what about kids, husband, friends? Not to mention other things one can do in life??? Okay, I'm exaggerating. However, I tried to breath into my nose and out of my mouth until I looked at the watch and realized it might take me half an hour to run those two miles if I'd continue doing it. I somewhat speeded it up, (well, "speed" might not be a term related to my running - ha), and that was when my heart-rate monitor started beeping like crazy - right in front of the Funeral Home of Lenox: 182
I should probably bring it back to the Arcadian Shop. The nice sales guy had mentioned that my heart rate should be calculated for an about 20 years younger person. That's how it's done for long-time athletes... I'm wondering, was he mistaken about my athletic past or about my (Madonna) age? Was he thinking Jane Fonda??? I better get back on the road... or back to bed? Beauty sleep?

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